Property and Maintenance at Pacific Lodge Aged Care Centre

“I am rewarded by knowing that I can help our elderly residents live their lives in a good environment, giving them the care they need and deserve,” says Pacific Lodge Aged Care Centre (“Pacific Lodge”) Maintenance Worker, Dale Pattenden. Dale has been working at the Centre for roughly two and a half years, first working at Warringah Place Retirement Village, before moving over to the Pacific Lodge site.
Maintenance workers are considered the ‘behind the scenes’ team members at an aged care centre but their impact is significant. Dale describes his role as diverse, with a variety of tasks each day. “We triage everything that comes through,” he explains. “There are quite a few aspects; one is preventative and making sure we are compliant and meeting the standards and legal requirements. Also, the reactive side of things. So, we have all the information requests come through the different software applications, email and communications on-site. We need to make sure things are well kept, responding to repairs. Then we have the general environmental things. So, walking around, checking the site, and making sure that everything is tidy.”
Dale notes that his ethos towards this role, extends to that of a ‘caretaker’ for the Centre and its grounds. “I like to think of myself as a caretaker of this place,” he states. “Whilst I didn’t design it, I am here to make sure that we get the best out of the property for everyone involved, staff and residents.” Beyond this, Dale’s work is also underpinned by the resident- first approach and maintaining the space as best as he can for them. “We’ve got all these different outdoor spaces; courtyards, seating areas; we have a meditation area with a water feature, the garden beds,” he explains. “This is their space. This is their home, and they can happily roam around and do all sorts of things.”
For those considering a career as a Maintenance Worker in the aged care space, Dale notes the importance of understanding processes, but highlights that there is plenty of support from The Salvation Army Aged Care. “They will need skills to understand how processes work and have a clear understanding of property management to excel in their role. The Salvation Army Aged Care Property and Maintenance team has a preventative and planned maintenance schedule,” Dale says. “This ensures that things are carried out and executed properly and that Maintenance Officers are supported every step of the way.”
When asked what he finds most rewarding about working in the aged care sector, Dale notes it's the empathy and gratitude he has for preciousness of life. “I have got more empathy and in particular gratitude. I am grateful when I see the things that go on. Life is pretty precious and in this industry it’s there every day as a reminder. It's not overwhelming or alarming; it’s just a general reminder. I enjoy having a positive influence on other people.”