Devotional Message - Summer 2019

Devotional message by Major Debbie Hindle, Chaplain at Maybanke Aged Care Centre
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked in Matthew 2:1-2:
'Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews? We saw His star when it rose and have come to worship Him.'
Sitting in the outback of Australia and looking at the night sky is quite an amazing experience. Everything is so clear and you tend to see way more stars than you do when you are in the city. I once had the opportunity to look at the Arabian night sky but in my opinion, the outback Australian sky beats it hands down. I always like to look for the constellation known as the southern cross. It has, over the years, been a way of navigating one's direction in the southern hemisphere.
Stars were the way sailors navigated the Earth, guiding seafarers to their destination. In todays world, many people follow their stars such as star signs. They start the day by reading what their stars predict for them. I personally do not hold to this.
But there is a star that I love to follow at Christmas time, it shines brighter than any other - the star in the east. The Magi followed this star and it led them to the Christ child. It led them to the baby who is the saviour of the world. They travelled a long way to find 'the one who is born king of the Jews'. When they found him, they worshipped him and they brought him gifts.
My prayer for you this Christmas is that you will follow this star in the east to find the Christ child for yourself. When you have found Him, my prayer is that you will also bow down and worship Him - bringing Him the gift of your surrendered life.
Have a happy and holy Christmas!