Aged Care Plus Nominated for Four Prestigious Industry Awards

Aged Care Plus' high quality of care and loving family environment provided through innovative programs to residents and clients has earned international recognition at the 2016 Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards. The awards ceremony was held in April, and five representatives from Aged Care Plus traveled to Singapore to attend the awards night.
Aged Care Plus was in the running for four awards; Facility of the Year for our unique relationship-based, person centred model of care provided at Montrose Aged Care Plus Centre, Best Dementia Care Program for our specialised music therapy program, Music - Bringing life to this place, Best Productivity Innovation Implementation for our innovative staff wellness program, Mind Yourself Mind Others, and last but not least, Peter Bewert, Executive Manager for Care Services was nominated for the Change Maker of the Year award for his continued effort to improve the way older Australians age through individuality in care based on emotional needs and wellness.
Competition was high, and although Aged Care Plus was not awarded these awards, just being nominated acknowledged Aged Care Plus' position as a leading provider in the industry.
Aged Care Plus' CEO, Sharon Callister, said that she was honoured Aged Care Plus had been recognised as an innovative aged care provider in the Asia Pacific.
"I feel humbled to see Aged Care Plus' quality of care recognised through our specialised programs provided to our residents and clients," Sharon said.
"Being nominated for these awards cement our position as a provider of choice in mental health services, and we continue in our innovative efforts to lead the way in dementia and palliative care services," she continued.
These awards come off the back of three Australian Aged Care Quality Agency Better Practice Awards recognising Aged Care Plus for our unique model of care developed at Carpenter Court Aged Care Plus Centre in Newcastle and implemented in Montrose Aged Care Plus Centre in Balmain to improve the health and wellbeing of residents living with mental health issues. The third Better Practice Award was received for our employee wellness program, Mind Yourself, Mind Others, an exercise program that has improved overall employee wellbeing.
The Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards were launched in April 2013 by Ageing Asia. The event is held in conjunction with the Ageing Asia Innovation Forum, and is the first of its kind to recognise aged care organisations in the Asia Pacific that demonstrate eldercare innovation. Competition continues to be strong, with over 150 applications from over 15 countries.